Breast Surgery

Breast Augmentation
Cosmetic Breast Enhancements
With breast implant surgery, also known as breast augmentation, you’ll have the option of changing your breast size and shape immediately. You can add volume to your breasts and curves to your profile, all in one procedure.

Women have breast augmentation for many different reasons, including:

  • Breasts have lost volume due to pregnancy, breastfeeding, or aging
  • Breasts have always been smaller than desired
  • Breasts look too small in proportion to the rest of the body
  • Breasts have begun to sag due to aging, or after pregnancy or breastfeeding
  • Asymmetrical breasts (one breast is larger than the other)

Our doctors will discuss your concerns with you and explain the details of the surgery and expected results. She’ll guide you through the many options to consider, including breast implant type (saline or silicone gel breast implants), breast implant size and profile, implant texture, and surgical method.

Breast Reconstruction
Surgery to restore shape to your breast after a mastectomy.
Breast reconstruction is a surgical procedure that restores shape to your breast after a mastectomy, surgery that removes your breast to treat or prevent breast cancer. Breast reconstruction is a complex procedure performed by our team of skilled plastic surgeons. Due to our partnership with Sentara Medical Group, the reconstruction process can start at the time of your mastectomy (immediate reconstruction). It can also be done later (delayed reconstruction).

We understand that breast reconstruction can be an emotional journey, and we are honored to partner with you during it. Beyond providing skilled surgical care, our goal is to also give you peace of mind. Throughout the process, our caring team will provide transparent communication, so you know exactly what to expect. In addition to this, we recommend viewing our patient resources section. Here, you can see patient testimonials, read our blogfill out forms ahead of time, and learn about financial options. Our team is here to answer your questions and address your concerns.

In order to learn more about breast reconstruction, or to schedule a consultation or appointment, please contact The Center for Plastic Surgery at Sentara Princess Anne & Fort Norfolk.

Breast Reduction
Very large breasts can be the source of serious problems for women, causing physical, social, and emotional distress and making it difficult to carry out normal daily activities. For many, breast reduction surgery offers significant relief by removing much of the weight from the chest, which can improve or eliminate shoulder pain, neck pain, and back pain. The reduction in size, combined with the lift that comes with breast reduction surgery, can bring balance and proportion to your overall appearance.

Women may seek breast reduction surgery for many reasons, including:

  • Back pain
  • Shoulder pain
  • Neck pain
  • Rashes and skin breakdown
  • Difficulty engaging in exercise
  • Difficulty finding bras that fit
  • Shoulder grooving, bruising and chafing
  • Asymmetry

Our surgeons have performed hundreds of breast reduction surgeries. During your private consultation, our team will discuss your individual concerns with you, and together, you’ll decide if you are a good candidate for this potentially life-changing procedure.

Breast Implant with Tissue Expander
Reconstruction using an implant and a tissue expander requires a staged approach. Often, mastectomy surgery doesn’t leave enough tissue to adequately cover a new implant. Instead, a tissue expander is put in place, and slowly increased in volume through a series of in-office expansions until you’ve reached your desired size.  At that point, the tissue expander is replaced with a permanent implant.

Breast Lift and Breast Lift with Implants (Breast Enlargement)
A breast lift, or mastopexy, can enhance your natural beauty and create the healthy, youthful, confident appearance you desire. Mastopexy improves the profile of sagging breasts, helping you to regain your figure by lifting the breasts without reducing their volume or size.

Women have breast lifts for many reasons, including:

  • Breasts have begun to sag due to aging, pregnancy, breastfeeding, or weight loss
  • Bras are uncomfortable
  • A higher breast contour and profile is desired
  • During your personal consultation, your doctor will discuss all the options to consider, including whether another procedure should be performed at the same time. For example, often, a mastopexy can be done at the same time implants are placed, lifting and augmenting the breasts in one procedure.

    Breast Asymmetry Correction
    While all women have some degree of breast asymmetry, those with a noticeable difference may choose to have corrective surgery. Our doctors will describe which breast surgery techniques are appropriate during a personal consultation.

    Latissimus Flap
    The latissimus dorsi flap method of breast reconstruction has been in use for more than 30 years. Like the TRAM flap, the latissimus flap uses tissue from your body to reconstruct the breast.  This method, commonly combined with a tissue expander and breast implant, offers additional options regarding the appearance of the reconstructed breast.  Very thin patients with small breasts can sometimes achieve their desired result using the latissimus flap alone, with no implants necessary.

    Nipple Reconstruction
    Women may require nipple reconstruction as part of breast reconstruction, or for other reasons such as trauma or infection. Our providers are able to create a new nipple during reconstruction surgery. 

    Post-Mastectomy Reconstruction
    This procedure may be performed at the time of the mastectomy, or it could take place after the mastectomy. Several options are available for post-mastectomy reconstruction.

    Removal or Revision of Breast Implants
    Occasionally, women who have had cosmetic breast augmentation will have to have their implants removed or exchanged. This may happen for a variety of reasons, including implant rupture, scar tissue formation, breast cancer diagnosis, or simply the desire for a different size implant. Our surgeons have a great deal of experience in this area and will be able to help you through the whole process.

    TRAM Flap
    A TRAM flap breast reconstruction uses your own abdominal tissues to construct a new breast. During a TRAM (for Transverse Rectus Abdominus Myocutaneous) flap procedure, the breast is reconstructed from muscle, skin and fat. Although the TRAM procedure can mean a longer procedure and a longer recovery period, it may be the best option for women who’ve undergone radiation therapy and who are not good candidates for tissue expansion. It may also offer more symmetrical results for some patients, depending on body type and other variables.